Hello everyone ! My name is Alexandra and I am the creator and owner of Ô Lac, a magical place that I designed with love and passion alongside my husband, also a fervent lover of travel and nature. Our dream was to create a place where we could share our memories of stopovers, our love of nature, and above all, offer our guests an exotic refuge to disconnect and recharge their batteries, even in a minimum of time. I’ll tell you everything about this slightly crazy project that has come true!
The origins of Ô Lac
We have all experienced the feeling of time flying by. The demands of our modern society often leave us little time for our passions and choices. It is in this context that Ô Lac took shape, imagined, designed, then built according to the image of our dream.
Why in Lacanau? 25 years ago, we fell in love with this charming seaside resort. Between the serenity of the lake, the magic of the ocean, the calm of the forests, and exceptional flora and fauna, our decision to drop anchor in Lacanau and settle down there permanently was obvious.
Ô Lac is much more than accommodation!
- It is a cozy nest designed entirely in wood in a natural and sustainable spirit.
- It's a cocoon nestled in the heart of nature
- It is a direct entrance to the lake thanks to its private path which leads there
- These are five warm rooms that reflect my travel memories
- It’s a cocoonig setting to experience disconnection and well-being
Three years ago, I made the decision to return to school to train as a specialist in physical and emotional well-being. With the natural and peaceful environment of Ô Lac, it seemed obvious to me to offer my naturopathy services to guests, so that they can recharge their batteries and simply be well with themselves.
Now qualified and certified, I offer individual appointments to all interested people, whether they are staying in Ô Lac or not. And from January 2024, in a spirit of sharing and helping, well-being workshops will be organized twice a month. You can find more information in the “Well-Being” tab or contact me directly.
My well-being supports are...
- Open to all (guests and the general public)
- Targeted to your goals and needs
- Based on aromatherapy, Bach flowers and aloe Vera
- In individual (meeting) or group (workshop) format.