Our wellness services for everyone

Ô Lac Lacanau, maison d'hôtes et accompagnements au bien-être par les plantes

Ô Lac, eingebettet in eine natürliche Umgebung von atemberaubender Schönheit, ist der perfekte Ort, um vom Alltagsstress abzuschalten und neue Energie zu tanken. Mit seiner wohltuenden Nähe zum See, einer wahren Quelle der Ruhe, und seiner komplett aus Holz bestehenden Struktur bietet dieses Hotel eine idyllische Umgebung, in der alles darauf ausgerichtet ist, Wohlbefinden und Entspannung zu fördern.

Emotionen, die treibenden Kräfte unseres Lebens, werden in unserem hektischen Alltag oft vernachlässigt. Sich dieser Emotionen bewusst zu werden, sie anzunehmen und zu verstehen, ist für ein ausgeglichenes Leben unerlässlich.

Für wen eignen sich Wellness-Behandlungen?

Ô Lac Bien-être bietet Ihnen einige Schlüssel zum besseren Umgang mit Ihren Emotionen.

Ô Lac Lacanau, maison d'hôtes et accompagnements au bien-être par les plantes

Ô Lac, nestled in a natural environment of breathtaking beauty, is positioned as the perfect place to disconnect from the daily hustle and bustle and deeply recharge your batteries. With its soothing proximity to the lake, a true source of serenity, and its entirely wooden structure, this establishment offers an idyllic setting where everything is designed to promote well-being and relaxation.

Emotions, the driving forces of our lives, are often neglected in our hectic daily lives. Becoming aware of these emotions, welcoming them and understanding them is essential for a balanced life.

Who are wellness treatments for?

Ô Lac Bien-être offers you some keys to better manage your emotions.

As someone passionate about plants and holistic well-being, I have become a specialist in physical and emotional well-being, certified by the Hippocratus school and graduated from the French Bach Flower Institute (IFFACB). It is with this passion that I created the unique well-being services of Ô Lac. Discover an experience where body and mind come together for total relaxation.


Treatments and their effects

Ô Lac offers a holistic solution thanks to the complementarity of Bach Flowers, aromatherapy and aloe vera from Forever Living Products©. These natural approaches, recognized for their benefits on emotional and physical well-being, are integrated into personalized sessions.

The ultimate objective of these complementary approaches is to allow everyone to regain their emotional and physical balance, thus promoting optimal fitness and overall health.

Ô Lac positions itself as much more than a vacation spot. It is a sanctuary dedicated to reconnecting with oneself, where physical and emotional well-being takes on its full meaning. Come discover the magic of Ô Lac, and let yourself be carried away towards a newfound balance.

Individual support

*Open to the general public. It is not necessary to have a stay in Ô Lac Lacanau guest rooms to benefit from the wellness services.

1st appointment

Individual appointment

Do you feel overworked, exhausted, in control of your emotions? Or would you simply like to get to know yourself better and detect the “crisis” situations that trigger your defense mechanisms? This first meeting is an opportunity to take stock and set your own goals for a more serene and peaceful daily life.

Follow-up appointment


Once your objectives have been defined, we can work together on the methods and tools best suited to your personality, your daily life and your needs. From aromatherapy to Bach flowers to the use of Aloe Vera for your skin and your physical health, we can provide targeted support for greater effectiveness.

Group workshops

*Open to the general public. It is not necessary to have a stay in Ô Lac Lacanau guest rooms to benefit from the wellness services.
** English and German speakers: these workshops are open to you but the discussions will be in French. They will only be helpful if you have a good level of understanding of French language.

Detoxify and take care of yourself after Christmas

Group workshop

After the Christmas holidays, it’s not rare to be not very well. If you feel that your body ‘s saying STOP, or if you want simply to give your body digestive rest, to revitalize yourself, now is the time (for good resolutions). Indeed, the body needs a little cleaning from time to time to feel its best.

We will cover the following topics during the workshop : * Detox and its importance

* The benefits of cleaning

* Do-it-yourself detox

* Foods to favor

* Supplements and programs to help you

* Tasting of detox products based on aloe vera

You will be able to ask all your questions and see more clearly on this vast subject.

Next date

Talking circle "On en parle" : difficult / traumatic births

Group workshop

You have experienced a difficult and trying birth. You don’t know what to do with all these emotions and you don’t know who to talk to about them.

Come to a caring, respectful and cocooning space to tell your story.

I created “On en parle” to talk freely about your experiences to relieve your pain and benefit from support.

While respecting your emotions, come and meet other people with similar experiences and discover how words can soften your feelings.

Next date

Skin care workshop

Group workshop

Talking care of yourself starts with taking care of your mind and body.

Come and learn about the benefits of aloe vera by Forever Living Products for your face and set up a routine to look radiant all the year.

During this workshop, you will be able to test:

* The scrub

* The mask

*The cleaner

* The moisturizer

You can also taste the aloe vera herbal tea and the pulp.l

Next date

Talking circle "On en parle" :
Menopause and its effects

Group workshop

Menopause is another key stage in a woman’s life.

Few women dare to approach this more or less delicate subject.

With “On en parle”, I want to remove taboos and be able to speak with kindness.

Know, understand what is happening inside you, to better experience this period of transition. It is important to see menopause differently, to explore this period of life, to discover and come to terms with the changes that are occurring within you.

Come to a respectful and warm space to share your experience and your feelings. We will be able to share tips for becoming an actor in your menopause: diet, healthy lifestyle, managing emotions, etc.

A beautiful program, a cocooning place, a fun workshop, for a gentle crossing.

Next date

Stress management

Group workshop

Stress is an evil that has established itself in our society, through numerous attacks.

It manifests itself in the office, in family life, in our relationships with others, etc.

All these everyday things can be a source of stress.

They can make life difficult for us and make us feel like we have a hectic pace.

It is necessary to identify these periods of stress to better understand them, manage them and regain serenity and joy of life.

This workshop will help you find good habits to put in place to no longer be a victim.

We will cover the following topics during the workshop : * What is stress and what does it mean?

* How does it manifest? Physical and physiological reactions

* Tips to get better (diet, healthy lifestyle habits, physical activity, etc.).

* Bach Flowers, significant support

* Aromatherapy, for a quick benefit thanks to essential oils

Next date

Talking circle "On en parle" :

Group workshop

Adolescence is a very important stage in everyone’s life.

It is a phase of changes that influences personality and also health.

All these developments can cause questions and therefore potentially stress and a lot of emotions.

This “On en parle” workshop is intended to be interactive, fun and above all respectful of everyone’s situation.

We will cover the following topics:

* How to maintain your skin

*Studies and fatigue

* Emotions to decode and manage to counter stress and anxiety

Come share your experiences in a respectful and cocooning environment. Parents and teenagers are welcome.

Next date



Also see our guest-house, our rooms and the surroundings !





Number of accommodation:






Accommodation 1

Accommodation 2

Accommodation 3

Accommodation 4

Accommodation 5